Fitness Classes

Enjoy a run around historic downtown Snow Hill, Maryland with a new group of running friends. 

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

Come workout in our brand new fitness room! Open to those ages 16 & older, all participants must be a registered member to use this facility. Join us today!

You must be a registered member to use this facility.

Nov. 12 - Dec. 19th
5:30pm to 6:30pm

Come have a ball of fun getting fit with Power Play Fitness. This low intensity interval training fitness class will com­bine strength, core and a cardio train­ing routine leading with a 10 warmup stretch. Modifications are available and the class is suitable for beginners of all ages. So don't miss out on your chance to get fit and have fun. 
Instructor: Gary Press 

This total body, high intensity style program utilizes free weights, resistance and body weight exercises to help you attain and maintain your physique. No boredom here, for all levels! 

Yoga is for everyone! This class is built on exercise, breathing, and meditation. All equipment is provided!

Yoga is for everyone! This class is built on exercise, breathing, and meditation. All equipment is provided!

May 14 to June 18